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What is Kaleidoscope 2 ?

Grenoble INP launches its second edition of Kaleidoscope during the February 5 – 9, 2024. Kaleidoscope is a week during which the students who are studying in the second year of engineering studies or in Master 1 of the eight schools of Grenoble INP, are mixed in pedagogic activities. These activities are proposed by the schools, by the DHEP (Department of Humanities and Pedagogy), by Fablabs, by students’associations, by the Design Factory-UGA, and by research laboratories. This year 85 activities, are proposed, under the following themes :

- Ethics

- Fablabs

- International – intercultural

- Research

- Transitions

The students build their week themselves. This week is compulsory. Many possibilities are offered, it is a great opportunity to travel in the heart of our schools and laboratories.


A range of educational activities is available for each theme.


Ethics - The Ethical Engineer More information ...


FabLab - Technological innovation in health More information ...


Initiation - Sustainable electronic workshop More information ...
Initiation - Immersive virtual environments in industry More information ...
Initiation - Infra-red sensing and imaging More information ...
Initiation - Psychology More information ...
Initiation - Mindfulness More information ...
Initiation - Positive Psychology More information ...
Initiation - Fun Math Research More information ...
Initiation - Batteries & Gigafactory More information ...


Intercultural-International - Inclusion – Diversity – Wellbeing More information ...
International-interculturel - Intelligence : have you ever wished a TV series could be turned into a serious game ? Come use your English and play a mystery role for a day. More information ...
International-interculturel - C3 : Cross Cultural Communication More information ...


Research - Discovery of research Feb 5-6 More information ...
Research - Project Management and Operational Excellence in R&D More information ...
Research - Discovery of research Feb 7-8 More information ...


Transition - Resiliency : Unleashing Your Resourcefulness and Resiliency More information ...


The Kaleidoscope week is compulsory. Each student will receive a personalized link which will enable to make several choices.


  • December 13 to 18 at noon : you make your choices on the dedicated site (using the personalized link you received).
  • From January 16, 2024 :  you will receive your final assignment.
  • February 5 to 9,  2024, you participate in the Kaleidoscope week.
  • February 12 at the latest you  give your report.